Help us Celebrate World Compliment Day
Compliments make you feel better, so why not share in the joy. We want to spread the kindness all around the world. Are you up for the challenge – give at least one compliment to someone in your family and one to someone outside of your family.
Simply say something nice to someone else and that will help spread the love, joy, kindness. Here are a few Ideas for compliments:
1. Say it in person
2. Leave a note or post it
3. Mail a letter
4. Share a post on social media
5. Send an email
Not sure what to say or when to say it. If the other person likes surprises, then leave a hidden note in plain sight. If the other person is shy, whisper it in their ear. Find a special way to show that person you care by speaking from your heart and being specific about why that person is special.
Samples of what can you say:
1. I love your smile ( even underneath your mask)
2. You make me smile
3. I enjoy your company
4. You make delicious…
5. You’re the best at….
6. I like that outfit (hat, scarf, coat, shoes…)
7. When I’m with you I feel good
8. I like hearing your perspective on…
9. You’re great at (tying your shoes, driving all kinds of cars, fixing meals on the fly…)
10. I love the way you smile at me as if I’m the only person in the world
Now that you’re armed with ideas let’s make it a great day for Compliments! And if you would like to leave us a compliment online, you are more than welcome to do so.
Have a great and wonderful day, we appreciate you!